
Friday, February 12, 2016

Fidget for Alzheimer's

I belong to a sewing group that meets once a month to socialize and share our interest in sewing. The group consists mostly of quilters and often we will sew a group project for a charitable organization. We have sewn quilts for the Cancer Society, Haven House and friends who have been ill. One evening our 'leader' came with a story about how care facilities for Alzheimer's patients have a need for Fidget Quilts. I had never heard of Fidget Quilts but was about to have a quick lesson. These quilts are designed to provide textures and stimuli for patients so they can fidget and soothe themselves.  We needed 30! 

This quilt is for a woman with leather fringe, zipper, a knit fabric with wooden buttons, beads, satin ribbon and a head band.

Here we have a quilt designed for a man. Mr. SW came up with the idea of attaching screws and washers. I added a leather zipped pocket with a large button hidden inside, burlap pocket, rope tied in knots and a sweater knit pocket. 

Here is a closer view

Honestly, I found adding all the elements quite tedious as each item took a separate set of skills and/or pressure feet etc. But in the end, I'm glad I signed up because it felt rewarding knowing the quilts were going for a good cause. 

Here is a link to a similar project in Manitoba if you are interested in learning more about Fidget Quilts and Alzheimer's Disease.

Thank you for visiting me here at Sew What?

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